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Paulo Freire's Legacy

An expert on my field I really admire is Paulo Freire. He was one of the most important critical educators of the 20th century, also he is well known for being the major exponent of Education in South America. I read his books and applaud him, because we're all accustomed to appreciate only the works of Americans or Europeans. It's not fair, South America has many experts in different disciplines and we are wasting this talent.

Regarding Paulo Freire's personal life, he was born in September 19, 1921 to a middle-class family in Recife, Brazil. His alma mater was University of Recife. Also, based on the positive reception of his works "Education as the Practice of Freedom" and "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" he was offered a visiting proffesorship at Hardvard University in 1969. Since his occuppation was educator, after a year in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Freire moved to Geneva, Switzerland to work as a special education advisor to the World Council of Churches, during this time Freire acted as an advisor on education reform in former Portuguese colonies in Africa.

I like him because his work and his ideas were a legacy of hope and struggle.
